We have recently shown a couple of important people around KaraHands. Trevor Mallard

, Labour MP for Hutt South came round a few weeks ago and was very impressed with our set up, and especially our philosophical approach to Share-Care. He really understood how important our approach is for the kids, and their families, and has gone away to have a look to see if there is anything he can offer by way of support.

Alexia Pickering C.N.Z.M, Q.S.O. One of New Zealand’s foremost experts on accessibility for people with disabilities, also visited.
Alexia was quite blown away with our facilities and the way that we deliver care for people with severe medical and physical care needs.
“The facilities are 5 star, and having two nurses with such understanding caring for the children must be a huge weight off parents minds”, said Alexia. “What makes it really special, is the loving home environment that Helen and Cathy provide, that really is unique and special”
If you know anyone that would like to visit KaraHands, just contact us and we can set it up.