Anna’s Story

Anna’s Story

Our beautiful Anna is 10 years old. She was diagnosed with cerebral palsy when she was one, and soon after that also diagnosed with significant abnormal brain activity which developed into epilepsy.

Helen and Cathy came into our lives when Anna was about six and our relationship with them has developed over the past four years into one of friendship, trust, and love.

Before meeting Helen and Cathy, we had tried other care for Anna, but did not feel that it was a safe environment for her.

At KaraHands Anna enjoys time with other children similar to her, many of which are her friends from school, in a safe, loving, and consistent environment. This also gives us the opportunity to spend time with Anna’s older sister, Kaitlin (12), doing with her things we cannot do with Anna, such as going to a movie.

Earlier this year Anna’s grandfather passed away after a long illness. Helen and Cathy had Anna at very short notice so we could rush to Hawkes Bay to be with him before and also for us to attend the funeral. Having to take Anna with us for this would have been very difficult and allowed us to be of support to Anna’s Gran.

KaraHands are the only people we know of who provide the type of care they do, including the children into their daily lives as part of their family. The love they give Anna flows through into our daily lives and we feel that they have become part of our extended family, sharing more than just relief care for Anna.